Stop trawling through school websites and policies right now.
Frictionless. Super-fast. Super-detailed. Robin does all the hard work for you, with its AI-powered compliance checks and policy audits for school and MAT websites.

Trusted by hundreds of schools and MATs

Put Robin to work...
On school websites
See how compliant your website is against the DfE's lengthy list of requirements
No more hours spent decoding the DfE's latest guidance. No more wasted evenings, wading through pages of the school website. Just our simple, clear compliance check.
Get a simple overview of the policies on your website
Showing what's there, where they are and what their review dates are. Without you having to use a pesky tracking tool or spreadsheet. This is our policy audit.
Catch old policies, contact details and information lying around on websites
All of this can cause confusion and potentially tripping you up at unwelcome moments.
Reduce contact pressure on the school office
By making sure that information on your website is easily discoverable and clear to understand.
Discover small mistakes
Very easy to make but very hard to spot. Like typos, incorrect links or publishing the wrong document.
Across Multi-Academy Trusts
Instantly get a high-level overview of your website compliance status
Across all of your academies.
Spot potential trust-wide gaps
By seeing how academy websites perform against individual requirements.
Check for consistent approaches
In line with trust policy, by diving into the details of requirements across academies.
View missing and overdue policies
Across the trust, by school or by category.
Our customers have nice things to say too!
"Robin saves us a tonne of time! It makes it so much easier to stay on top of our website and policy management, and the granular detail Robin provides gives us complete quality assurance. The user interface is friendly, straightforward, intuitive and quick, with no lengthy uploads or wait time. Using Robin is a much better use of our time compared to trawling through websites. We'd recommend Robin to other Trusts."

"Robin provided a step forward in our ability to review our website compliance at pace and with a reduction in time and errors. The manner in which it checks, using a common sense humanistic approach providing interpretations alongside meaningful commentary and details, has really helped our schools to understand and consider not only the compliance element but also the stakeholder interaction with the information. The feedback mechanism allows the system to continue to develop. Would thoroughly recommend to others!"

"Although we have only just signed up with Robin and are just starting to explore its functionality, I can already see that it will really support our compliance across the Trust as it is easier to use, gets us results faster and yields better results than the manual processes we were using before."

"It makes reporting to key stakeholders so much easier and quicker. Also sharing with our schools to update takes so much less time. Usually, this would take me 1 or 2 days whereas now it only takes me a few hours max."

"At ACET, we have found Robin to be an innovative tool for evaluating our website and policy compliance. The platform is intuitive and offers great potential for supporting our leaders in ensuring compliance assurance across the trust. The Robin team has been incredibly responsive and supportive throughout the process, making the experience seamless and productive. We are excited about the possibilities this tool brings and look forward to continuing our relationship with Robin as we strive for excellence in compliance and governance."